Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

Alternative home energy

The biggest problem the average electricity consumption per family is at their home. Nevertheless, we cannot be separated from the cost of electricity which is not small.

However, there are some people who are already using alternative energy and develop a major generator in their home.

Alternative energy sources are already there before the power was found, but many people think it is a new.

What are the so-called alternative energy sources is a small portion from various other sources

1. Solar Energy. Solar energy has been used some time ago but now many people are using solar energy as a heating source in your house.

2. Wind Energy. The windmill was first used only as a help to grind wheat into flour, but now many functioned as a power source.

3. Bio gas. Is the gas produced from the fermentation of one variety of sources such as cassava is used as an energy source LPG

4. Hydro Energy. Energy is widely used by those close to water sources like rivers, by installing a windmill on the river flow. How it works almost like a windmill just different sources of propulsion only.

Over time changes will be many people who will use alternative energy as a primary energy source, because many people already think the source of energy produced from fossil will be on the wane

You can also read another post on solar outdoor light

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